I'm the import king of Berlin
with a host of timeshares.
I oversee all trading grounds
and bazaars of the citadel.
I walk the open air markets
in the ghettos at night
where merchants shave without water
and swat their hands at flies.
Every fly that tickles their neck
leaves a stain or drops eggs.
If they could find the spot
where the worms become flies
they would surely have got
their share of time.
They would surely have luck
finding their share of time.
I used to design women's silk
with paisley that would trance.
Until the moths got so bad
I had to sell off my lamps.
Business never picked up again
until I learned the holes
could be sewn over mirrors
and turned like a kaleidoscope.
Following the lights with their eyes
they got their share of time.
There is always a spot
where a ripple of light
forms a peephole that allots
fair shares of time.
The patient have found
their share of time.
Which one is merry?
Which one is nigh?
The patient have found
their share of time.